LOUD: Peer Job Training Program

LOUD graduates come away with an understanding of how to provide peer-delivered harm reduction services, education on HIV, Hep C and overdose prevention, as well as a better understanding of how social justice work can be used to change the laws and policies that impact the lives of people who use drugs.

We believe that peers are best prepared when they are able to provide high-quality services and understand and get involved in fighting the systemic injustices that perpetuate the stigma and criminalization of drug users. Each cycle is closed with a graduation and a pledge to work on overcoming stereotypes and challenge misconceptions that we as drug users remain outside of our communities rather the vital members ready and able to enact positive change.

Explore external online resources recommended by our staff.

Access information

Paula Santiago PDSE
Outreach & Peer Education Manager

NOTE: The LOUD Program will resume once we begin programming at our new office at 300 Douglass Street.


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