Shantae Owens
Syringe Services Peer Educator

Shantae Owens (he/him) has worked in harm reduction for over ten years. He started as a peer intern with the Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center in Lower Manhattan. He worked giving out safer injection supplies to people who inject drugs and safer sex supplies to help prevent the spread of HIV/Hepatitis C.  Due to Shantae’s own lived experience, he can offer substance use counseling to the many people who are deeply impacted by the harm associated with substance use and provide them with information leading to the promotion of better health. He has trained other people in conducting street-based community outreach. He is experienced in data entry and is responsible for record-keeping and running VOCAL-NY’s Syringe Services Program desk in VOCAL-NY’s Drop-in Center. Shantae became involved in advocacy with VOCAL-NY, helping to end overdose, homelessness, and mass incarceration.  He has reversed countless overdoses and holds certificates in overdose prevention.  

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